Angel Investor

Muema Lombe

Angel Investor


Angel Investor, Ex-Robinhood, Sector Agnostic, 25+ angel investments.


My angel fund focuses on making early-stage investments, typically in the seed or pre-Series A rounds, in promising technology startups that are attacking large market opportunities and have the potential for significant growth and impact. When evaluating potential investments, I look for exceptional founding teams with deep domain expertise, a clear vision, and the ability to execute. I prefer capital-efficient business models with a path to profitability, and early product-market fit.

Personal Bio

Muema is an experienced angel investor with a passion for supporting underrepresented communities in the startup ecosystem. Muema spent the past decade in Silicon Valley as an angel investor, startup advisor and operator. Muema is also an active member of the startup community, frequently judging pitch competitions and serving as a mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs. His new book, “The Ultimate Startup Dictionary: Demystify Complex Startup Terms and Communicate Like a Pro” is out now.

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